A passion for IT

This is my first ever website, self-hosted at home. I’m not really sure what to put here, so I guess I’ll just mention that I have a deep interest in IT, Networking, and technology as a whole. Click this button if you want!

cyberspace, data, wire-2784907.jpg


These are some of the applications and services I have experience in and have set up for my personal use.


Nginx is a web server that can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache. I use Nginx as a reverse proxy for most of my websites, including this one!


SmartDeploy is an application for the provisioning of PCs and desktop management for businesses. I use this at home for all of my Windows PCs!


MiroTalk is a platform for fast, secure, high-quality web conferences powered by WebRTC. Give it a try!

Active Directory

Active Directory is a directory service developed by Microsoft for Windows domain networks. Similar to SmartDeploy, I use this at home to manage all of my PCs and users!


Snipe-IT is a free, open source IT asset management system written in PHP. I use it to keep track of where all of my tech is, and what it’s being used for.


PsiTransfer is a simple, open-source, self-hosted file sharing solution. It’s an alternative to paid services like Dropbox or WeTransfer. Give it a try!

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